Council gender pay gap closes to 0.8%

13 December 2024

Tamworth Borough Council is committed to closing the gender pay gap and have released their eighth annual report reporting a continuous decline in the pay gap since publishing its gender pay gap since 2018 (data from 2017).

The council’s mean gender pay gap has decreased to 0.8% (female mean hourly pay is £17.32 and for males it is £17.46).

The median gender pay gap has decreased and is -1.4%, (female median pay gap is £15.96 and males it is £15.74) meaning women’s median hourly pay rate is now more than males. With majority of the council workforce being female, this is good news.

As of 31 March 2024, 358 people were employed by Tamworth Borough Council, 232 (64.80%) female, and 126 (35.20%) male. 

Tamworth Borough Council has taken steps to promote gender diversity in all areas of its workforce. This includes:

  • All vacancies are eligible for part time and full-time working patterns.
  • To reduce bias, recruitment is standardised with a structured interview and often with tasks for candidates to complete.
  • Recruitment adverts are inclusive and not gender biased.
  • Mix of home and hybrid working arrangements to help attract and develop the best talent.
  • Shortlisting is anonymous, with all personal details removed. 
  • Structured pay bands are in place and there are processes to make sure any starting salaries above the bottom of the pay band are fair and equitable. 
  • All job roles are evaluated via nationally recognised mechanisms.
  • Leave policies promoting flexible working, including part time, job share, flexible start and finish times are available for all.
  • Supporting parents with maternity leave, shared parental leave and adoption leave. 
  • Male and female employees receive the same payments for overtime and allowances.
  • Employees with caring responsibilities are supported with carer’s leave.
  • Training and development (including professional qualifications) is available to all.
  • A leadership and management development programme seeks to identify and develop leaders and managers of the future.
  • Performance is not linked to pay. 
  • Exit interviews are carried out and any areas of concern are examined.

Councillor Carol Dean, Leader of Tamworth Borough Council, said:” We’re proud to see our gender pay gap decreasing, we are also proud to see a very high number of women in our senior leadership positions. We have a more diverse workforce than Tamworth as a whole and are very committed to continuing to break down barriers to equality in all our work.

“Embedding equality, diversity and inclusion within everything we do to support our employees making the council a great place to work.” 

Tamworth Borough Council is an inclusive and fair employer, committed to the principle of equal opportunities and equal treatment for all employees, regardless of sex, race, religion or belief, age, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy/maternity, sexual orientation, gender reassignment or disability. It has a clear policy of paying employees equally for the same or equivalent work, regardless of their sex. Job roles are evaluated to determine pay grades irrespective of gender.

The council have a duty to comply with the Public Sector Equality Duty and Equality Act 2010, which includes the gender pay gap information and published annual reports for employers with 250 or more employees.

The gender pay gap report sets out Tamworth Borough Council’s results in relation to six calculations, including mean gender pay gap - the difference between the mean hourly rate of pay of male full pay relevant employees and that of female full pay relevant employees.