Fly-tipping enforcement success

30 July 2024
A lot of fly-tipped waste on the ground outside buildings
  • £1000 fixed penalty notice issued
  • Fly-tipping is a crime
  • Over 50 warnings issued to locals since April 

Tamworth Borough Council has taken action against a criminal guilty of fly-tipping. The individual from Tamworth has been issued a fixed penalty notice of £1000 for fly-tipping in Tamworth town centre.

Following an investigation into reports of considerable amounts of fly-tipped domestic waste, Tamworth Borough Council identified the offender and took swift action to hold the offender to account.

This resulted in a fixed penalty notice of £1000 being issued to the identified individual. This fine has been promptly paid. 

Fly-tipping is a crime and a blight to local communities. And it’s a crime Tamworth Borough Council take seriously. Since April 2024 the council has issued multiple warnings including:

  • 44 section 46 warning notices in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act 1990.
  • 2 formal warnings 
  • 7 community protection warnings in relation to the Antisocial Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014.

There are also several cases still under investigation.

Councillor Dave Foster, Deputy Leader for Tamworth Borough Council and Portfolio Holder for environmental sustainability, waste and recycling, said: “Taking robust action against the crime of fly-tipping is a priority for us and local people. In issuing these warnings and notices we’re showing people we’re taking this crime seriously. 

“Fly-tipping is a crime, and we need offenders to understand the damage they are doing when they commit this crime. 

“Fly-tipping can increase the risk of harm to human health and wildlife, add to pollution levels and overall affects the quality of life in the environment. A lot of people work very hard to throughout the whole process when fly-tipping has happened. From the people dealing with the report, to the people having to clean it up.

“This enforcement success shows that you will face consequences if you fly-tip in Tamworth.”

Fly-tipping is a criminal offence, and offenders can face an unlimited fine and up to six months imprisonment. Tamworth Borough Council encourages members of the public to report any incidents of fly-tipping online using the Report-It service. Visit the website to contact the council: