Tenant involvement

This page is for council tenants and leaseholders who want to get involved in shaping the services that impact them.

We want to work with you to improve services and create neighbourhoods you are proud to be part of. We aim to do this in partnership, by speaking honestly, listening to each other’s views and enabling you to influence decisions about your home and the services you receive.

Look at the Tenant Involvement Leaflet.

Visit this webpage to read about the different ways you can get involved in shaping services.

More detail about our approach is included in our tenant involvement and consultation strategy for 2020-2024.

Below you can read about some of the services we provide as part of our tenant involvement work.

What we do

Training for you: We offer various training courses to give you the opportunity to learn new skills, meet other tenants and share practical learning that can be useful in everyday life. Many are free or low cost and transport can often be arranged. Training opportunities will be advertised here and through Open House magazine as and when they arise.

Estate inspections: We know you want to live in a safe and pleasant environment that is maintained to the highest standards. Every year we visit all council-owned housing estates, together with tenant representatives, so that any issues can be identified.

Open House: This is a quarterly newsletter for tenants with information about activities, events, and other articles of interest. A group of tenants known as ‘Tenants Voice’ help us put this together.

You can read the latest editions of Open House here. Please contact us via the email address below if you'd like to be added to the mailing list.

Events and meetings: We hold regular meetings and events where you can get involved and have your say. Please register to get involved, or contact our team using the information below to find out more.

Satisfaction surveys: We value your comments about how our services could be improved and carry out a number of satisfaction surveys each year. These cover everything from repairs to anti-social behaviour and are in the form of postal questionnaires, telephone surveys and small focus groups.

Housing annual report: This provides an annual overview of our neighbourhood service, including performance data. You can read the latest housing annual report here.

Tenant engagement experts: We are members of Tpas, which promotes, supports and champions tenant involvement and empowerment in social housing across England.

Get in touch

Did you know you can manage many aspects of your tenancy online by creating your own account on our MyHousing platform? This includes being able to message members of the housing team directly.

For more information about tenant involvement, you can also email tenantparticipation@tamworth.gov.uk