Ways to get involved

If you are a council tenant or a leaseholder, we’d love you to take an active part in shaping the services which impact you.

More information on those services can be found on our tenant involvement page.

Below you can read more about some of the different ways you can get involved. Commitment levels vary, up to a maximum of around two to three hours per month. Where attendance at meetings is involved, we can arrange transport or reimburse travel expenses to and from the location.

If you’d like to get involved, please register your interest here.

Tenant Consultative Group: Members of this group are consulted on all tenant-related policies, procedures and issues, giving tenants and leaseholders a united voice in the decision-making process.

Tenant Involvement Group: This oversees the implementation of actions and performance targets set out in the tenant involvement strategy. The group also closely monitors all customer feedback about our services as a landlord.

Tenants’ Voice and editorial panel: Meets with our tenant involvement team on a regular basis to help plan, design and contribute to our Open House magazine for tenants, as well as reviewing all our tenant publications.

Seniors United: This is specifically for residents of our sheltered housing schemes, providing an opportunity to come together, share ideas and experiences and discuss any issues.

Complaints review panel: This group reviews the anonymised complaints received on a quarterly basis to look for trends and make recommendations for service improvement.

Tenant inspectors: People in this role have the opportunity to audit our communal cleaning services, monitor quality against standards and undertake on-site inspections.

Focus groups, surveys and consultations: We’re always looking for tenants to give us their feedback throughout the year. These takes the form of surveys, focus groups and organised consultation events.

Community events and open days: These are held occasionally to provide more information about what we do, to bring communities together and to give people the opportunity to meet our neighbourhoods team.

Anti-social behaviour (ASB) scrutiny group: This brings tenants and members of our team together to oversee service improvements, including discussing best practice, assessing our ASB service against national standards and monitoring performance.