Standing as a local election candidate

The process

The majority of people become a councillor as a result of joining a political party. However, some people stand for election as independent candidates (these are people who do not belong to any political party).


To stand for election as a councillor for Tamworth Borough Council, you must:

  • Be 18 years old or over on the day of your nomination.
  • Be a British citizen, an EU citizen, or a Commonwealth citizen.
  • Be registered to vote in and/or have either lived or worked in the Tamworth Borough Council area for at least one year.

Further information about the qualification and disqualification requirements is set out in the Electoral Commission’s guidance.

Standing as a member of a political party

If you are thinking of standing as a candidate for a political party, then you should contact that particular party to discuss their requirements for standing on their behalf.

Standing as an independent candidate

If you have questions about standing as an independent candidate, the Local Government Association Independent Group may be able to assist you.

The next opportunity to stand

Tamworth Borough Council elections take place three out of every four years. 

Nomination Process

To stand for election, you must submit a set of valid nomination papers. You will need to find two people, one to propose you (a nomination) and the other to second the nomination.

If you want to stand as a candidate for a political party, you will be required to submit a certificate of authorisation, which allows you to use the party's name or a registered description on ballot papers. You will also need to submit an emblem request if you wish for the party emblem to appear on ballot papers.

The Electoral Commission had produced guidance for candidates and agents, which you should read - Electoral Commission’s guidance.